Buying a vehicle when you have bad credit or no credit can be frustrating. You may be embarrassed to walk into a used car lot because you don’t want to explain once again your poor credit history to the salesman. While this can be a challenging process, it can also be the next step to helping you rebuild your credit score. With a buy here pay here loan from Joe’s Auto Sales, you can be on your way toward a higher credit score in no time.
Building Credit Is a Process
While purchasing a vehicle and making on-time payments will help raise your credit score, this is not the only solution. Remember that building or rebuilding your credit is a process. When you finance a vehicle with one of our bad credit auto loans, this will be reflected in your credit report and may even give it a bit of an immediate boost. Building credit is done by making your payments on time each and every month. We have several flexible payment plans and convenient payment methods that will help you make consistent, on-time monthly payments.
We Offer Financing for Negative Credit
When you have negative credit, a buy here pay here loan may be your best option. With these types of loans, you have a much higher chance of being approved for vehicle financing than at other used car dealerships. There’s no need to be embarrassed or hesitant to visit our lot. The main goal of our business is to help people, like you, purchase a dependable vehicle and rebuild your credit at the same time.
We Report to Crediting Bureaus
Another way Joe’s helps you improve your credit score is by reporting our customer’s payment history to all three credit bureaus. Every month, when we report your on-time regular payments to each of the credit agencies, you’ll see a slow, but steady increase in your credit score. As long as you’re not taking any other financial actions that are hurting your credit, you will slowly, but surely, see an improvement in your credit score.
Shop at Joe’s Today
Begin rebuilding your credit score today by buying a used car or used truck from Joe’s Auto Sales. Contact us at either of our Indianapolis locations by calling (317) 405-8545 (East Location) or (317) 756-9180 (South Location).
“Will Buying a Car from EZ Pay Cars Help Build My Credit Score?” E-Z Pay Cars. DealerOn.12 Jun. 2020. Web. 12 Sep. 2020.